Updated December 06, 2024

Are you planning on buying a new furnace for your home? If so, it is essential to determine the correct size of the heating system that your home needs before making the purchase. The capacity of the furnace you select will either enhance or undermine your home’s comfort. Obviously one that is too small will fail to heat the space properly, but a unit that is too large won’t properly heat it either. On the other hand, the appropriate furnace will ensure that your home remains comfortable and cozy during the colder seasons.

The Importance of Sizing Your Home’s Furnace Correctly

Size is crucial when purchasing your home’s furnace. Having a system that is too small for your residence limits the ability of the furnace to combat the dropping outdoor temperature. Although some homeowners may be tempted to purchase an undersized furnace because the price is lower, it is not worth having a furnace that is unable to perform its function.

Moreover, a furnace that is too small for a house has a tendency to run constantly in a futile attempt to warm the entire area. Regardless of how hard it works, it never actually reaches the goal. Needless to say, this wears out the mechanical system and its components far ahead of normal expectations. As a result of being undersized, the system may cause huge energy bills while the home remains uncomfortable. What’s more, it will soon need to be replaced due to excessive wear and tear.

Having a furnace that is too big for your home has no benefits either. When the system’s size doesn’t conform to the area that it needs to heat, it ends up functioning in quick bursts. Since the unit operates full blast, it tends to heat some spaces quickly, but the heat lacks sufficient time to travel throughout the residence evenly.

As a result, the unit turns off and on more frequently than it should. When some areas get toasty, the thermostat tells it to stop because the job is done, and then the unit shuts down. Since the heat isn’t distributed evenly, the room with the thermostat quickly cols again, and the cycle starts over. Meanwhile, some rooms never really get warm, and all the starting and stopping also wears out the equipment before its time.

It’s definitely not a good idea to purchase a heating system for your home that is too large or too small.

Common signs of an inappropriately sized furnace in your home include:
  • Humidity issues in your residence
  • Excess noise when the unit is running
  • Temperature imbalances throughout your home
  • Abnormally high energy bills and operational costs

Typically, a correctly sized furnace based on your home’s needs will turn on and heat your space progressively. Therefore, the system faces minimal strain, and the heating is more energy-efficient. If you notice that your unit runs nonstop, it could be a sign that it is too small for your home. On the other hand, a furnace that is too big for a home usually starts and stops constantly.

Factors That Determine the Right Size for a Furnace

So, how can you determine the appropriate size of your home’s furnace? Here are factors you should bear in mind.

The Area of the Rooms and the Number of Floors

This encompasses all of the rooms that you intend to heat. Ductwork may be impossible in some rooms or areas of the house, such as the basement or attic. It’s essential to consult a heating professional for you to understand the most appropriate size of your home’s furnace after coming up with the exact measurements of your rooms.

A house with many floors often has high insulation levels. This type of property usually requires less heat, so this could influence your decision.

The Climate of Your Location

The climate of a person’s location can help them to determine the number of BTUs that they require. Since geographical aspects play a significant role, a person’s location usually determines the expenses that they have to bear. Jacksonville HVAC professionals will have experience servicing heating units in this area, and they can advise you on what works best for our part of Florida. If you’d like a consultation, reach out to us at Buehler Air Conditioning.

Number Windows and Height of Ceilings

Typically, a room fitted with many windows loses heat more quickly than the one fitted with fewer openings. Therefore, a home with a lot of windows will automatically force you to purchase a more energy-efficient furnace than a home with fewer of them. Moreover, the sunlight penetrating your house also causes heat production. The extent of the sun exposure can also help determine the BTUs required for your residence.

A room with a high ceiling usually needs additional heating units to transform the cold internal air into a comfortable temperature. Notably, an incompatible system will frequently leave some areas of the room cooler than others as a result of uneven heating.

Age of the Property

Typically, modern houses have improved insulation characteristics. Furthermore, since older properties may need frequent maintenance and could even suffer from a shifting foundation, it is more likely for the house to have cracks where heat can escape.

Incompatible Ductwork

Ductwork that doesn’t conform to your furnace affects the efficiency and durability of the unit. A furnace that is inappropriately fitted with undersized ductwork usually has limited airflow. This impairs the efficiency of the system since the air will be trapped, causing the unit to heat up.

The Shape of the Structure

Typically, a property with long and narrow paths needs more air. If you compare this type of structure to one with a more centralized floorplan and the same square footage, the property with the long straightaways will usually use more heat because these extended hallways have more walls that experience heat loss. This causes a high demand for BTUs.

Your Household Size

A crowded room usually generates more heat, so houses with more occupants will need a furnace that generates fewer BTUs. Consequently, it is essential to keep in mind the population of your residence when purchasing your furnace.

Your Comfortable Temperature

The most comfortable temperature varies from one person to another. Some people need a higher temperature overall. This includes infants and the elderly. Those who exercise a lot or who have a higher metabolism tend to prefer a cooler space.

It can be somewhat challenging to find an appropriately sized furnace based on your home’s design and its needs, especially if you just moved to the area or bought your first house. Therefore, it is a good idea to consult with heating professionals who can take your property’s measurements and develop an ideal model based on your requirements. Remember that selecting an appropriately sized furnace can increase its lifespan.

At Buehler Air Conditioning, we offer quality heating and cooling services to people throughout the Jacksonville area. Our dedication to providing quality results to our customers has earned us a five-star rating on Google, and our firm has an A+ rating from the BBB. We perform installations, repairs and maintenance on heating, cooling and indoor air quality equipment. We’re highly experienced with thermostats, duct replacement, duct cleaning, zoning systems, air scrubbers, UV lights, dehumidifiers, heat pumps and mini-split systems. Are you looking for a reputable company to handle issues concerning your furnace? Contact us today and let us help you fix your heating problems.

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