If you’re on the fence about AC installation, now is the time to make that leap! Your air conditioner is not in the same shape it was 10, 15, or even 20 years ago. You and your family members deserve the comfort and efficiency of a new unit that won’t have frequent breakdowns, make loud noises, or keep temperatures higher than you’d like.

How Can I Tell If My AC Is Failing?

When you are experiencing trouble with your AC system (like loud noises or ineffective cooling), there could be a solution that doesn’t involve replacing the unit. When you call in honest, dependable technicians for service, they can give a complete assessment of your unit and give you a full report of your options for repair.

However, at some point, a failing system will cost so much to repair that it hardly seems worth it. You might benefit more from replacing the system with one that will last and run efficiently for another 10-15 years than to spend a bunch on a unit that might just break again in a matter of months.

Signs that Replacement Is a Better Choice

Here are some of the reasons we typically recommend that you replace your AC rather than make repairs.

  • Repairs cost around to have the price of a new system. An older system with mismatched newer parts does not typically perform as well as a brand new system anyway, so replacing a costly part is often not worth it, especially if it is ½ the price of a new unit.
  • Your air conditioner is inefficient and unreliable anyway. If you’re considering making costly repairs to a system that costs way too much to run without really keeping you comfortable anyway, you may want to think again.
  • The system is aging past about 10-15 years. After this long, a unit quits working efficiently, and it’s bound to break down when you need it the most. Save yourself some hassle by replacing an aging AC unit early on.

Make the good call! Repair or replace your AC system in Neptune Beach with the help of the honest, dependable, good-looking technicians at Buehler Air Conditioning & Plumbing.

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