Every year during the summer, air conditioning bills skyrocket without the proper preparation. Not only is being energy efficient a great way to lessen your carbon footprint on the atmosphere, but it goes hand in hand with lowering costs. With the consistent humidity in the air, keeping your air conditioner isn’t an option. There are a few easy ways to preserve energy and money.

Here are five tips to keep in mind during those summer months:

  1. Schedule Routine Maintenance – With the proper upkeep plan in place, you won’t need to wait around for something to break down and potentially be more costly than regular maintenance. Prevention is much more effective than a reaction to an already malfunctioning unit.
  2. Check Your Ducts – First, make sure that dust isn’t accumulating or possibly obstructing the flow of air into your living space. If your current ductwork is a bit outdated, it may be leaking air and costing a fortune. Consider applying new sealant and proper insulation as a precaution.
  3. Raise Your Temperature – When you’re away, you don’t need to keep your air conditioner at the same temperature that you enjoy when you’re home. Even an adjustment as small as 2 or 3 degrees warmer can save homeowners a noticeable amount of money on their bills.
  4. Mini-Split Systems – If you already have HVAC systems that work flawlessly for your home, then more power to you! However, these ductless units allow users to manage the temperature in different rooms. Having the ability to handle the heat is made simply with these structures.
  5. Thermostat Advantage – Installing a smart thermostat will give you complete control – home or not – of your AC system. With voice-activated systems becoming more advanced every day, it can be as simple as asking Alexa to cool or warm the room your home.

Buehler Air Conditioning & Plumbing

Our team knows how detrimental it can be to balance the use of your air conditioning units with lowering the cost of your bills. Homeowners can help themselves with a few tips, and for extensive maintenance, a professional is the best route to take. Lucky for our customers, Buehler Air Conditioning & Plumbing has a maintenance program set in place to inspect, test, and clean multiple parts of units. This program has helped save plenty of clients from shelling out more money for their AC systems; please give us a call today to get started!

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