You’re always looking for ways to keep your family healthy, but it’s not always easy to do. The air in your home needs to be cool in the summertime, but keeping the AC on can mean stale, polluted air recirculate through your home over and over again with each cycle.
Your air filter might not be powerful enough to get out the smallest particles, like mold spores and certain bacteria. But chances are, there are many more powerful filters out there.
Choosing a Filter with a High MERV
The MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) scale is how you can gauge filter effectiveness. A MERV of 3 won’t be as effective as a MERV of 8. And chances are high that your current filter has a MERV somewhere in between 1 and 4.
While there are stronger filters out there, you should always consult with a local technician before you pick one. The problem with choosing a very effective filter is that it might be too strong for your air conditioner. If it isn’t compatible with your system, your air conditioner could suffer because it may not have enough air flowing through it.
Getting the Right System for Your Home
Don’t risk getting an air filter that is not the right fit for your home. Limiting airflow is bad for efficiency and could wear out your air conditioner too soon. Instead, consider adding in a new air filtration or purification system.
A separate air purifier or air filtration system can do the job right. Electronic air purifiers take germs out of the air without affecting the flow of air running throughout the system. And a whole-home air filtration system is always sized just right for the space in your home.
Make the good call! Buehler Air Conditioning & Plumbing offers air filtration and air conditioning services in Jacksonville, FL.